Thursday, September 30, 2010

Watches and Charms

Two men. They have similar taste in style of attire. They walk the same, and hale from the same province. The difference between them is one wears a watch, the other a neck charm.

The charm is his accessory. He wears it f...or a variety of reasons. He wants to look cool, be noticed. Seen as a man who is financially well off or whatever his reason is. He treats his charm with care when it is to be worn. He shines it before leaving the house and places special care in not tarnishing it for the evening.

The watch is his way to tell time. His watch drives him to move faster, push harder. He wakes up to it, and sleeps soundly at its beckon. His watch is valued for its purpose and Cared for at all ‘times’. It’s with him through the good and bad. He relies on this watch just as others rely on his ability to read it. His life revolves around its purpose. His duties are governed by what it reveals. His watch has captured his life. He is a slave to its power.

Let’s bring this together now

His woman is treated like his watch. He relies on her. She motivates him to go faster, complete his tasks. When he calls on the time, his watch is always there, just as his woman is there when he calls on her. He needs his watch daily, just as he needs his woman. There is no greater feeling than waking up to her. “Baby, come to bed.” She would beckon him.
She is with him. Good, bad or indifferent. He will care for her for all time. His movements revolve around her feelings, thoughts and words. His woman has captured his soul. Like his watch, his woman is elegant, trustful and desired. He is a servant to the power of his Queen.
Due to the fact that I am incapable of acting in any manner short of a Gentleman, I have not a clue on how to describe a Woman like a charm. But you should already know.

So tell me, Ladies. How are you to be treated? I bet you all will look at watch wears differently.
Gentleman…. You know what ‘time’ it is.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Each One, Teach One

Once upon a time, it seemed like every guy knew the rules of chivalry. Chivalry was gospel, a time-tested code of conduct for men passed down from generation to generation. From the time we were boys, we knew it was polite to open doors for... our dates and offer up our seats to women on a crowded bus. Unfortunately, somewhere along the line, we forgot how to be chivalrous. We forgot the rules and the procedures for treating women properly. As a result, there’s little courtesy left in courtship anymore.

Luckily, there are at least a few guys out there who remember what it means to be a Gentleman, and each of these guys can teach us something about impressing women. So take a moment and review these chivalry lessons from modern day Gentlemen.

Be attentive

You might be surprised that we’d include Ashton Kutcher on our list of modern gentlemen. You probably still think of him as the numskull from That '70s Show. But credit where credit’s due: Kutcher is dating arguably the hottest cougar on the planet, Demi Moore. And how Kutcher keeps Demi happy is instructive. He can often be seen holding her hand, helping her into a car, and doing all the things that a chivalrous guy does. You don’t score a woman like Demi by being inconsiderate. Chivalry means paying attention to details. Open doors. Pull out her chair. Make your date feel like a lady and show her that you’re a man or, more specifically, a Gentleman.


Chivalry is all about treating others with respect, especially women. That’s why practicing good manners is such an important component of chivalry. Think about it: When a guy chews with his mouth full or forgets to say “please” and “thank you” he not only looks like a Neanderthal, but he’s also telling people that he doesn’t care about anybody but himself. It’s fundamentally disrespectful.

Something as simple as being polite shows a woman that you care what she thinks; you’ll be attentive to her needs and her desires. That’s a turn-on for women. It’s also likely one of the reasons Matthew McConaughey was named People magazine’s sexiest man alive in 2005. McConaughey makes good manners sexy. The man exudes Southern charm and women love him for it.

Romantic gestures

David Beckham provides us with the third of our chivalry lessons from legendary gentlemen. In case you haven’t heard, Beckham has become the poster boy for extravagant romantic gestures. He once purchased a ruby and diamond pendant for his wife Victoria Beckham worth an estimated $2.4 million

For his wife's 33rd birthday, Beckham bought Posh a $340,000 painting, and flew her to Paris in a private jet where they spent the night at the Paris Ritz at an estimated $12,000 a night. But fear not, you don’t need to “spend it like Beckham” in order to show your girl you care. Writing “I love you” on a post-it note or calling her unexpectedly in the middle of the day qualifies as a romantic gesture too. The million dollar gift may win her admiration, But it’s the million dollar thought that will win her heart.

Defend her honor

Part of being chivalrous is communicating to your partner that you can protect her, that you’ll stand up for her and her interests. Now, this does not mean you have to punch strangers in the street. However, it does mean that you take her side in arguments (even if you don’t always agree with her). It also means that you treat her with respect in public. Through your words and actions you demonstrate to her, and to others, how you expect her to be treated. Above all, you want to project an aura of calmness and confidence. You want to be the guy that women feel safe around. As an illustrative example, think of a guy like Clive Owen. There’s something about the way Owen carries himself that instills confidence. You know just looking at him that he’s not a guy to be trifled with.

Be a good sport
The chivalrous guy knows how to give and take a joke. He can and will compete -- he’ll give his all -- but he won’t be a poor sport when he loses and he won’t gloat when he wins. This chivalry lesson is perhaps best embodied by Gentleman and tennis star, Roger Federer.

Federer is arguably the greatest tennis player of all time. The Swiss star has won 16 Grand Slam titles. And not only has he won the ATP (Association of Tennis Professionals) Player of the Year Award five times, but he’s also won the ATP Sportsmanship Award six years running. Well, to my sadness, he was not successful in the past weeks events, but the way he carried himself with a smile on his face and a song in his heart, you would guess he was the victorious one. And in the eyes of admirers, he was. Women don’t want to date a whiner or a braggart. They want to know you’re going to be gracious in victory or defeat. And in that moment, the true victory prize will be yours… Her.


None of the items on our list of chivalry lessons from legendary Gentlemen can be considered rocket science. There’s nothing groundbreaking here. Just some sensible tips that guys too often forget. Remembering them will definitely set you apart from the masses.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Gentleman's Style

A Gentleman is capable of touch all senesces of those he runs into. He has the power to speak values without saying a word. I will tell you the way a Gentleman gets his point across without the use of words.

I give to you the style of a Gentleman, from head to toe.

A Good Head on your Shoulders

A Gentleman’s hair is always neat. It is a due to the cut he gets, or the product he uses. His hair is used to accent his facial features. His cheek bones, his nose, his fore head. All have a role in the style of his hair. Have you ever noticed the guy who uses every product to make his hair stand on end? Hard, stiff and unforgiving. NOW! Have you ever noticed that 99.9% of all Ladies love to run their hands over, or, fingers through a guys hair? Imagine that with the flesh cutting hair styles you see on the Jersey Shore. It makes for a very lonely night. Not to mention, if it takes you longer to do your hair than it does to shower, you should take that as an indication that it’s not a good ideal to go with that style. So, cut your hair first off, and be sure you use a man law or two whn styling it. If you need to know these Man Laws, you’re already way behind the rest of us.

Pic and Shave

Your face is the most important part of your body. It’s what everybody looks at when you enter a room. It’s your first impression and your lasting statement. Might as well take care of it, or at least make it look good. If you have the ability to grow facial hair, make sure you keep it neat. There are vast arrays of facial hair designs floating around that are just ridiculous. Keep it close and trim and you should do just fine. Some Ladies like a lil shadow here and there. Others prefer the clean. Not once have I ever heard a Woman say they would like a food catching, smell grabbing lion’s mane to play with. So If you have to shampoo your facial hair, it’s not really a questions as to rather or not you should shave. And if you have that face that grows in patches, cut your losses and shave.

Up top

Your torso is a great way to say without saying. Shoulders, Pecs, Abs, all of which the ladies find very attractive. But it’s the cover up that leads to the imagination. Tall, long guys need to stay away from the vertical strips. Short wide guys turn from the horizontal strips. Wear a shirt that fits your form. In the case of the short rounds, wear one that contrast your body style. Long thin guys need not where a 3 or 4 XL shirt. It makes you look like an inmate. Stick with solid colors. They are easier to match. Make a fist. If the tips of your fingers touch the cuff of your sleeve, your shirts is too long. If when buttoned, your long sleeve shirt bunches at the lower arm (I.E. Popeye) it’s too long. If when at your side, your sleeve looks like you are reaching above your head, it’s too short. Jackets are a must. But they must match and be tasteful. Black proper fitted leather is always acceptable. If for some reason, you don’t feel like wearing a dead animal, then a nice suede or khaki over coat is a great substitute. A long coat should never touch the ground. EVER!!! Tuck your shirt in if the situation requires it. Nobody like an un kept man.

Down Low

Your pants should fit. Not too tight like skinny jeans (Those are for girls anyway), and not too loose that they fall off. Just remember this. A Gentleman never wears a belt because he needs one. He wears it because it’s an accessory. Your pants should never reach the bottom of your shoe. That’s just tacky. Besides, you’ll ruin them. In terms of shorts, same rules apply belt wise. But the length of the shorts should stay between the knee joint and the top of the calve muscle.

Let’s Kick it

Your shoes have to follow a few rules. They should match anything from the belt up. If you are wearing a two tone shirt, the shoe should have one or two of the three colors and a blender color (Black or white). If you are wearing a tri-color shirt, your shoes should have one or two of the three colors and a blender. When you are wearing shorts, wear hide socks (below the ankle). Make sure they fit your feet. Never wear a shoe that has an extravagant design when the situation does not warrant it. You’re at a wedding, not a skateboard convention.

What the Rock's Cookin'

Splash on a lil scent. The sense of smell if the most powerful because it’s the only sense that can jog memory from 30 years ago. But be careful. If your going to a crowded place, splash on the stuff that nobody wears. The lady will remember you if you smell different (trust me). If it’s you and her, go for something a lil more subtle. In the movie theater, she will love the fact that she smells her favorite when she snuggles with you. If you need some help with picking the right stuff. Use those little cards that they give out in the fragrance department, spray all the kinds that you’re interested in, and walk up to a random (preferable single) young lady and ask her what she recommends. While you’re at it, ask her for her phone number.

All in all, if you are leaving the house for more than 45 minutes, and it’s between the hours of 9AM and 8PM, put on some clothes and take advantage of the lack of top choice grade a men in the area. The ladies will take notice. And you didn’t even say a word, did you.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Gentleman's Woman

In your quest to be a Gentleman, you are someone always striving for what is best. Whether it is for you or your family, working up the mountain is no easy task and, along the way, you’ll come across contacts that will support and lend advice to ensure the path you have chosen is the one you need to face. And over time, you’ll often find that for every good man exists a better woman behind him.

The significance of having a strong, competent and nurturing woman cannot be overstated. That’s not to say that all situations call for a partner, but it is certainly more enjoyable swinging the tennis racket with someone good -- especially since the excellent players force you to evolve your game.

So I bring to you, the qualities of a Gentleman’s Woman.

She can push you harder

Having a good woman behind you lets you realize your skill set, and more importantly, she doesn't let you settle for less. Though some might call this "nagging," understand that it is the woman herself who feels fulfilled when you’re doing your life's work. When you’re behind the wheel -- with a sense of apathy -- your enthusiasm will rub off. She will only regret what you aren’t doing.

Your partner knows what you should be doing. She won't allow for the second-rate version of you, so be thankful someone like that exists in your life.

The encouragement of something new

There is nothing more motivating than a beautiful woman. Along with the new nerves you have around her, you will find yourself inside a positive pull. Have a few extra pounds you should have shed months ago? Have a few pages you need to write for that book that has been on hold?

What better way to use the positive energy that you have now than by redirecting that vitality toward a goal -- a purpose. Use the energy in a positive way, and the radiance that you carry will strike all kinds of good vibes with her. Positivity is contagious, so don't be surprised if various people take a liking to your new attitude.

Pushing yourself physically

You've landed the woman of your dreams. She supports your wishes, causes and beliefs. Oh, and she is a 10 knockout. As other dudes ogle and stare at your prize, you feel a little abet to do some harm.

But instead, see this as an opportunity to get into the gym and mold yourself into someone you want to be. You and your partner will both benefit from your work to better yourself physically. You’ll reap the rewards. And who knows, they might even be ogling you.

The growth period

In life, if you’re not growing, then consider yourself dead. Stagnant. Your work hour might end at 5 p.m., but being a Better Man is an around-the-clock ordeal.

Find a great partner. If you have her, keep her, because the time you have with her is an opportunity for growth. You’ll realize new things in life that you may have not have grasped before. If it causes suffering, consider it yet another opportunity to grow. What you learn now can help you in your next relationship, should it come to it. You might be able to hide from suffering, but there is no substitute for growth.


Every king has a Queen.

Monday, September 6, 2010

No Need To Impress Her Now, She Knew You At Hello

For the longest time, we have had to keep our mouths shut. But now you’re in the company of Gentlemen.

Your shiny shoes click on the street as you turn up toward her house. You're armed with the best and most expensive bouquet of flowers the store had and there may even be some fancy chocolates or something shiny in your possession. She opens the door and you’re all aflutter and soon enough, you’ll be kissing her hand and her ass (same thing) just to impress her. Stop stooping and stand up. Don't try to impress women.

Stop selling out your gender

Almost every man is guilty of it: trying to impress women so that they will date you, sleep with you, stay with you, etc. Still, it may even seem like the logical thing to do in that bar or club or on that first date. Maybe you say something smart and try to look worldly and deep. Maybe you rent or borrow a really nice car to show up in. Or maybe you spend more than you can afford on dinner. Whatever the trick, you’re trying to impress a woman, and that is the worst thing to do. Why? Because, slowly but surely, you are doing your gender a disservice. Your attempts to impress women are really groveling and you’re perpetuating the myth that guys should have to stoop to please.

A man’s attempt to impress women sells out his dignity, his confidence and his self-esteem. He stops being himself, speaking his mind, giving his opinion, and making decisions as a real man should.

Excuse me Sir, have you seen your balls?

This self-emasculation only gives life to the idea that a man must bow down, work like a dog and prove himself worthy to the women he dates. Forget about whether he’s a good man or a stand-up guy. Impressing women is about what you can do for them and not about who you are. Instead of cutting off your pair, try growing them. Once you start down that road of trying to impress women, you do not become their equal; you become their lap dog.

There was a time when men were men and talked to women instead of trying to impress them. Somewhere along the way, fellas began to believe that putting women on pedestals was the only way to get their attention. No, putting them on some make-believe podium will really push them away and leave you a nutless disappointment to mankind.

“Well, Sir, if I shouldn’t impress her, what should I do instead?” Just be yourself with your own confidence. Most men run around with hooks in their cheeks and leashes on their necks trying to please some woman or another. Be you. Any woman worth talking to will communicate with the real you, a man who stands up straight and speaks his mind. Impressing her will only leave you a slave.

She “Should” Already Know

As a man of high regard (maybe in your own mind), you should have already impressed her with the sheer fact that you are who you are. The reason why you conduct yourself in a Gentlemanly manner is because you have set yourself apart from the masses. There is no situation where you should compromise yourself in the face of a Woman. If it’s funny, laugh. If you’re hungry, eat. There should never be a time where you call a spade a heart. So this charade that that you have going for the sake of her emotions is something that you need to stop. It’s a lie, and a Gentleman never lies. Be the one you were when you met her. If she is really right for you, then she will accept that fact.

Never exchange who you are for who she wants you to be. Trust me, it only leads to a loss of friends, an empty bank account and the revocation of your Gentleman’s Club Membership (or a non admittance is you are seeking one).


With all the talk of equality and role reversal, try this: Instead of submitting to women for their approval, guys should be waiting for women to put their own dignity and self-respect on the line. Ladies should find their own ways to impress men.

I am a Gentleman, and as such, I make no apologies.